Human Resources Policy

Transparency, accountability, and pro-active participation are core values for human resources management at Altınyıldız.

Colleagues are treated equally at Altınyıldız.

Democracy at Work Place

An open communication medium is supported at Altınyıldız where our people are encouraged to express their opinion and recommendations freely. Strongly believing that any and all kinds of opinions, criticism and recommendations are shared not only through pre-defined channels but throughout the organisation, open communication environments are supported. In case of potential conflicts at the work place, all our people are treated equally regardless of discrimination based on status.

Principle of Equal Treatment

Altınyıldız Tekstil ve Konfeksiyon A.Ş. pays particular attention for offering equal opportunities in recruitment, business relationship process, wage, access to training, promotions, retirement and employment benefits and terms. Discrimination based on race, colour, sex, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, political view or tendencies, ethnic identity, health condition, familial responsibilities, union participation or membership, physical disability or age are never tolerated.